cappuccino in white ceramic cup on white ceramic saucer

I love espresso and am very particular when it comes to the quality and taste, so when we moved to Cabo I made it my mission to find the best. Here is a list of my favorites: #1 A’rido Coffee Community I frequent Arido the most often since it is closest to our condo and…

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white marble style kitchen island

It doesn’t take much to enhance your space. Making these few simple shifts will have a large impact. #1 Curtain Placement The best way to hang curtains is floor to ceiling, it gives an illusion that a space is larger. It is a similar concept to wearing high waisted pants that go all the way…

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stack of fresh gray towels on white stool

Do you know that feeling when you walk into a spa and instantly feel relaxed because of the tranquil and visually pleasing environment? Well, this same feeling can be achieved at home! Think about your favorite spa. Why do you love it? What color scheme do they use and what style is the decor? What…

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